e-LEARNING for HEALTHCARE (e-LfH) registration for STI Foundation Course
The estimated time to complete the sessions is 7–10 hours depending on knowledge and experience.
To get the maximum benefit from the workshops provided by the STI Foundation Theory Course it is highly recommended that delegates study the appropriate e-learning sessions before attending. Once NHS users have registered for e-learning, there is no expiry time on the account.
e-Learning for sexual health & HIV (eHIV-STI)
eHIV-STI is accessible in a number of ways depending on your professional role. If you are employed by the NHS in the UK and have a NHS email address you can register for free access to eHIV-STI via the e-LfH hub by completing the registration form on the e-LfH website: http://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Register
Please note that NHS email addresses include @nhs.net, @trustname.nhs.uk and the equivalent in Scotland, N Ireland and Wales.
All NHS employees can have a NHS email address; if you don't have one but work for the NHS, you need to contact your manager for your NHS email address.
For more information visit: http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/nhsmail/using
You can also access the e-LfH platform through OpenAthens

Non-NHS Staff
Non-NHS users will need to pay to access the required sessions for the STI Foundation course:
https://portal.eintegrity.org/eintegrityregistration/register/193 is the site to visit to register. For any enquires please email enquiries@eintegrity.org
Once payment has been received, details regarding how to access the e-learning will be emailed to you. Access will be provided for 1 year. Sessions to be completed are shown in the table for NHS doctors and practice nurses (see above)
eLfH and e-HIV-STI
Once registered, log in to the e-LfH hub using your existing username and password.
Find the programme (you may need to use the search function) and then 'Enrol'

This should now be added to 'My e-Learning'
Now find the folder which contains the 'STIF Pathways'

Now open the folder 'STIF Course'

View the help page for more information: http://support.e-lfh.org.uk/
PLEASE ENSURE YOU REGISTER FOR THE CORRECT PROJECTS WHICH ARE: e-learning for sexual health & HIV (eHIV-STI) and e-SRH: sexual and reproductive healthcare
Sessions which we expect to be completed before you attend the course are listed below.
Please note that eHIV-STI is not administered by BASHH and we cannot assist with registration/access problems - if you still have problems after using the information and resources provided here please contact e-LfH via their Support Form: http://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/support/