Theory FAQ's
No refresher is required but we suggest you read the Course Director handbook/manual first to get up to date with the new format.
This depends on how long it is since you attended and what your clinical role has been since then. We may request confirmation from your Principal/Registered Trainer to confirm that you have the appropriate knowledge and experience.
BASHH/STIF do not charge for cancellation. Any local fees are the responsibility of the local organsier.
So the policy is determined by the local centre.
We don't seek any external accreditation for STI Foundation Courses. BASHH accreditation alone is sufficient. People who attend can present their certificate of attendance as evidence of CPD for appraisals (etc.) as 'External CPD'
Competency FAQ's
This varies according to the individual pathway you are following. STIF Intermediate Competency e-learning takes most people between 30 and 50 hours. However, we encourage trainees to take time and reflect on their learning; sessions which are recorded as being done in a short time may need to be repeated.
Please see video to help -
Please go to Help > Information on your e-Portfolio and complete the form.
Please note that we have to charge a fee to cover the additional access to the e-portfolio.
The most common reasons are:
- Assessments are missing
- Meetings between Trainee and Principal Trainer have not been recorded
- The final signoff of the portfolio has not been completed by the trainee
- The patient feedback has not been uploaded to the ‘personal library’
- E-learning specified in the curriculum has not been completed
- The eLfH record has not been linked to the e-Portfolio
Any portfolio which is deemed to be incomplete on second submission is very likely to be failed.
Unfortunately, portfolios which are incomplete on first submission cannot be considered for any Academic credits with any participating Universities.
The latest handbook and flowchart are both available within the e-portfolio. Please double check everything against this before you resubmit and ask your trainer for help if necessary
You have to revalidate your Intermediate Competency, before you commence on the Advanced Competency.