Competencies and knowledge assessed
It is expected that the majority of the assessments should be by direct observation.
• Management of female genital discharge
• Management of male urethral discharge
• Management of genital warts and molluscum contagiosum
• Management of genital herpes infection
• Management of urinary tract infections
• Management of genital infestations
• Screening and prevention of sexually acquired hepatitis
• Risk reduction and advice on safer sex
• Effective partner notification
• HIV testing
• Assessment and management of need for PEPSE (Post-exposure HIV prophylaxis
following potential sexual exposure).
• Safeguarding Children
• Female Genital Mutilation
• Domestic violence and abuse
• Assessment of someone who reports sexual assault
• Trans awareness
Within each of the competencies, a matrix of generic competencies is also assessed, examples include:
✓ Respect patient choice
✓ Respect patient confidentiality
✓ Consider ethnic and sexuality issues
✓ Be aware of patient dignity and need for a chaperone
✓ Awareness, evaluation and application of national and local guidelines and policies.
- Assessment and management of an individual wishing to start contraception
• Assessment and management of an individual starting Combined Hormonal Contraception
• Assessment and management of an individual starting Oral Progesterone-only Contraception
• Assessment and management of an individual starting Injectable Progesterone Contraception
• Assessment and discussion prior to insertion of contraceptive implant
• Assessment and discussion prior to insertion of IUD/IUS
• Assessment and management of unscheduled bleeding from hormonal method
• Managing non-bleeding side effects from hormonal contraception
• Assessment and management of a woman needing a routine check of IUD/IUS
• Assessment and management of an individual requesting Emergency Contraception
• Assessment and discussion of a woman seeking advice on planning a pregnancy - unless
already done in Intermediate pathway *
• Counselling women who present with Unwanted/Unplanned Pregnancy
• Removal of an IUS/IUD
Which knowledge areas will be assessed?
- Assessment of the patient who reports a Sexual Assault (usually CBD but observed if
possible) - unless already done in Intermediate pathway
• Psychosexual Medicine (usually CBD but observed if possible)
The topics marked with * have been included in the Intermediate pathway since August 2020. Trainees who completed Intermediate Competency before that change will need to cover these topics; trainees who have done them in their Intermediate training do not need to repeat these.